Last week it was pointed out to me in a comment that this diet pattern is not recommended for certain groups of people.
I agree wholeheartedly. I am a 30 year old woman, with no existing medical conditions and a healthy heart and bloodwork. I am very fortunate to be in such good health.
I am not a doctor, I cannot advise you either for or against this diet patten - this diary is solely intended to record MY experiences with Intermittent Fasting for people who might be interested in hearing about them.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the standard disclaimer is: Everyone should seek medical approval before commencing any diet or fitness programme.
That's been said now.
This is my third week at 16:8. I'm still aiming at around 1650 calories/day and 40p/30c/30f macros (aiming being the operative word here ;)).