I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to start working out again, but I'm not quite there yet. This is what I look like when I've been standing up for about an hour...
So it's been a bit quiet on the workout front, I don't have much to report. I climbed the stairs outside of my flat today - whoo! Those last three steps are a killer, but today it didn't take me 5 minutes ;)
I also wiped my motorcycle down, removing all of the cobwebs and dust from her and I made sure she started! One of the kids round here has taken it upon himself to unplug my indicators, turn them round, pull one of the indicators off of the join, flick my kill switch, unplug an earth wire and jam wood chip in my ignition; so I also got some exercise walking round to his flat and *kindly* requesting that his mother refrain from letting him do whatever he likes. Or she can pay the bills. Either way.
And that sums up the excitement for the day!
Today is a week since Dave the cat went on his diet! Having been told by my sister that my cat actually weighs MORE than her one year old child, it's been a real thought provoking time for Dave.... So it was on to the scales with him today - a week after the calorie-restricted diet commenced. I interviewed him on how he is getting on with the low-calorie diet. This is how he feels about the whole enterprise.
Aaaanyway. How is Dave the cat doing? I'm proud to report that he has lost 0.4Ibs since his last weigh in! (unlike his mummy....). He didn't seem too pleased when I told him that, all I got was a "rowouulllee", which I believe means "feed me now, or I'll scalp you whilst you sleep".
As I write this, there is a war of wills currently going on. Dave has taken his pet balloon Wilma, and placed her inside his empty bowl. The bowl has also been moved into the centre of the kitchen, so that we cannot miss it....and as I turned around I got the death stare.
A giveaway?
Dave is now playing dead. Apparently he's starving to death - or so he'd have everyone believe.....
Just before I go!
Also, massive thanks to the "Her Campus Premier Blogger Network" for letting me be a part of your family! I can't wait to meet my new blogging family!! :)