We've entered the second week of the new Gregorian year. There are many memes flooding social networks about diets, dieting, losing weight, hating cardio, doing cardio & starting new gym routines.
Ok, geek moment done. Well. They're never done, but I'm done for now...
I've been seeing a lot of people on "health kicks", a lot of people trying to sell supplements for said health kicks. 'Tis the time of the year for the fitness industry to cash in. Gyms everywhere are starting the cycle of new memberships, and hopefully, many of those people will go and get their money's worth. They'll discover fitness and love it!!
I saw a meme on Facebook the other day, talking about "why do you exercise" and the blurb above it was about how the person had hated their body before and punished it with exercise, but had come to see exercise as a way of loving their body. Then they asked their audience, "so, why do you work out?".
The only thing I could think of to say was "because I LOVE DOING IT". It almost feels like it's a taboo thing to say... "uh, what? how can you enjoy exercise?".
The answer? It's simple, find something you love and do it. There's something out there for everyone. I don't usually run, why? Because I don't like to. It makes me feel like a 50 tonne elephant dragging its feet through quicksilver whilst experiencing water retention. It's not fun.
BUT, sometimes I do run. Because I sort of fancy it. You know, a "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, but that's alright because I like the way it hurts" kind of thing.
There seems to be a lot of pressure on people to pick a thing, usually running, and do it, regardless of whether they enjoy it. SURE discipline comes into it, even doing what I love I still have to kick my own ass to get off of the sofa some days but I'm not doing it just because. I've found something (s), and I LOVE DOING THEM.
So, if you're new to this - someone who's made a resolution this year to get fit this is my advice. Don't do things you dislike. Keep trying new things until you find something you can actually stand to do. There's SO much stuff to try.
Now, speaking of "resolutions", I've been working hard on mine and I feel like they're finally paying off!
Here's a quick summary of what my week has looked like...