A few weeks ago a Liebster award nomination came my way, which I had a lot of fun writing and passing along.
About a week ago, I got another nomination from the amazing Annabel Krantz. Not only is she a great blogger, with a lovely looking website but she also donated several $'s to the Trailwalker project I was running. What an amazing lady :D On top of all of that she nominated me for the honour of being an inspiring, versatile blogger.
Annabel herself got passed the award and you can see why if you check out her blog at AnnabelandAlice.com.
The Rules! |
Taken from http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/vba-rules/ |
7 Things I'm 'sure' you'd love to know about me ;)
One: when I was seven I knocked both of my "newly-minted" (no pun intended) adult front teeth out when I was on a see-saw. I now have two "false" front teeth (luckily the roots ARE all mine though!).
Two: I got married at the age of 21 and my husband and I have now been married for 6 years! When we got married the most common question was "am I pregnant?". No, I was not - we just knew it was a match :)
Three: I started my degree at the University of Wales: Bangor but took a gap year (or two) at the age of 19 due to illness. I felt that I would never get to finish my degree at all! I finally finished my degree through the Open University whilst working a full time job and a part-time voluntary job at the age of 22.
Four: I couldn't swim until the age of 20 when Simon (not yet then my husband) taught me whilst we were on holiday in Greece. Apparently the possibility of me drowning whenever he took his eyes off of me didn't appeal. I call melodrama though, I can float :p
Five: I became vegetarian at the age of 14 when my grandad thought it would be funny to joke about how the poor sheep-mums would never see their sheep-children again. I did not think that was funny, in fact, I thought it was really, really sad. Since then my philosophy hasn't changed too much. I still believe that I have no intention of eating things that feel, breathe and live in the same ways we would although now I can talk about Singer's theory of moral evolution to make it sound more fancypants ;) I believe the biology of life is amazing and beautiful and personally, I can't bring myself to cause death just so I can live. Not when there are viable alternatives.
Six: I cannot eat roasted sun-dried tomatoes or aubergine.....they look like slugs *gags* I do NOT like slugs.
My nominations
Syaza Suhana - one of my HCBN sisters - this lady has an awesome lifestlye blog at "bloobs and blurbs!" She covers fashion, personal stuff, lifestyle and opinions, for a great versatile read, check her out!
The next nominations are all for my kickass #sweatpink sisters - these girls are healthy, fit and keep things in perspective, I could learn a lot from them!
Mary-Elizabeth - Mary is a truely inspirational lady, she works hard to keep fit and stay healthy. Her blogs are relatable and enjoyable, check her out at "Health be a Hippie"
Taylor - Taylor is my kind of girl. She blogs about keeping everything in balance and getting the most out of life - a really good read! Check her out at "Healthy Balance"
Diane - Diane is truely one of our kickass sweatpink sisters. She's been nothing but supportive and I love checking up on her blog - she's recently been running marathons (madness!!) and taking loads of lovely photos! Check her out at RunninRocker
Well done ladies, keep up the amazing work!!