Sometimes you just need to centre and enjoy the moment!

Apologies for being absent yesterday - we had a rather jam packed day with a trip out to London and some perfectly bad news to complement the way the rest of this week has been going so far.
There was even a moment I feared for my work laptop's life today. You've all known that moment. It's the one where you've been working on a document for ages, go to print something else and word closes. Ooops. Didn't save it. Crap. Then the printers don't work and chew the paper up, so what you're left with is actually only a ball of inky paper that you've crumpled up and jumped on in frustration and a half a document. Saving work saves lives people!!
But you know how it is, chin up and stay chipper.
I have been looking at our Google Ad-Sense account and then I made a Google Webmaster account. And THEN I made a Google Analytics account and they all have really pretty graphs on them BUT I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT ANY OF IT MEANS!
The graphs are in blue and red. And that's about it. So yeah, any ideas about what it all means are welcomely directed to our comments box below. Remember also to keep clicking and checking out the links around the site! All pennies go into our pot and there are some great offers :)
Anyway, so. Today we're going to talk about pole dancing and utter bliss. If you want to try pole but don't know what to expect check out my resource page by clicking here!
Pole. Ah, my love.
Pole this week was an amazing awakening. I felt strong, I felt sure, I felt reassured that all was right with the world. For those of you who are into a routine with exercise you'll know the feeling - that yearning, the gnawing restlessness in your body before you work out and then that amazing, ecstatic feeling of release when you get the feeling of being completely centered, concentrating not on who said what or what's going to happen tomorrow or when will the funeral be but just on BEING.
There's nothing like it. Even as I write this I'm itching to be there, zoned and completely blissful.
I know that people who don't workout, or who are very new to working out or even those people who are doing something they truely despise won't understand what I'm talking about. I remember people saying that exercise was addictive and that it gave you peace, but I always dismissed it with a wave of my hand and a can of coke.
This week was a perfect example of this phenomena. It could be blowing a gale, or even raining horses and I wouldn't notice so long as I'm in that zone. Perfect. It's like being asleep but you're in control of what's going on. Bliss.
So this week we started as usual and something different happened. I went to invert and my legs just shot up without me even really thinking about what I was doing. All of a sudden, in one smooth movement I was hanging upside down. It surprised me so much I slipped off the pole.
It was the only time that happened - the rest of the evening went as usual, a bit like a monkey gaining purchase - the utter stubbornness to make sure I get upside down (you'll see what I mean when I post the video!).
Then even MORE strange things started happening. All of a sudden my butterfly seemed easy and the gemini didn't seem impossible any more!
I have the bruises to show it ;)
Then Karen suggested doing "Geneva". Ah, I looked at her like she'd gone perfectly mad - I'm not ACTUALLY going to let go of the pole with my legs and swing it round so that I'm sitting on earth am I going to do that?
Then the best thing of all evening occured. I nodded confidently, got up onto the pole and did it. I just did it.
The bruises may look like I've been run over by my amazingly fat cat (he really is - but don't worry, he's on a diet....) but they're worth it. I FEEL strong. I feel confident and there is NO-ONE that can take that away from me.
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