Well, that's not true. I'm ACTUALLY supposed to be raiding with my guild in WoW.
What am I doing instead?
Sitting (sort of, I'd say it's more wiggling around in my seat, occasionally jumping up and squeaking. Regardless of the fact it was LEGS DAY today. Uhhuh).
Something AMAZING happened today.
I DID AN AERIAL INVERT I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT :D and then I did it again, and again and then I got a video :D And then I did it again. And then I was too tired. Ever since I got the footage from Tom (which may have included MANY messages that simply said "VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO" I've been on the following trajectory: This is so going in the blog. And on Instagram. And Facebook. And Twitter. Hell, I might send it to the damn BBC.
Well brain. Who's laughing now huh! With tenacity, training and constant CONSTANT trying eventually things happen. It's easy to believe it's not going to happen, it's taken me a year of pole to get to this point -nearly 6/7 months of actually *trying* to do this - I think just last week I said to Tom "what if I never get this?". He naturally told me not to be stupid, but doubt creeps in - it's insidious in it's seething approach to your brain, to your belief system. If I can't do *this* then can I do *that*?
So many people allow this to take them. I've heard it loads at and about pole - "oh, I can't do it. I tried it once and couldn't lift my weight" or about weight loss "oh yeah I can't lose weight, I'm just not able to stop eating these [insert foodstuff]" or about fitness in general "yeah I can't run" or "I can't go to the gym, I'm not dedicated enough" but here it is, further proof that if you WANT something and you're prepared to WORK for it, you'll damn-well get it in the end.