9:30 am: If I lick my phone do you think it has enough food residue on it to break the fast...?
10:15am: I think my stomach is eating itself.
11:07am: Why does my planner smell so good...?
11:25am: It smells of....cinnamon?
11:31am: Or is it hot cross buns?
*caught sniffing said planner by student*
"it smells good"
"I'm hungry..."
*nervous laughter*
12:30pm: Oh. There's something sticky and sweet smelling on it....if I lick it....
12:31pm: Nope.
12:45pm: Almost there.
1:09pm: Food Glorious food, I'M anxious to try it, three banquets a day, MY favourite diet.
3:55pm: SO. HUNGRY....
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