Forgotten something? You want to swim but think it's hassle?
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I'd forgotten the first rule of swimming changing rooms. You're sticky.
I'm sure you've all experienced it. You're hot. You're sticky. You have limited space to move and you're trying to do some sort of Houdini move into clothes that are maybe a little on the tight side.
I've done it in changing rooms in shops, I've done it at home - trying to get into a pair of skinny jeans on a hot day after a shower, I've even done it at work in the toilet (going running after school....).
What possessed me to think the tight shorts were the best idea?!
If you've watched the episode of Friends where Ross is trying to get back into those leather "pants" having gone to the toilet to cool down when he was on a date you'll have a good idea of how I looked in that changing room cubicle.
I swear whenever I get warm I expand by about a million times.....ok. I'm being melodramatic. It must only be by about 9, 000 times... :p
So you want to do more swimming but are worried about the extra hassle? What is a good idea to take to the pool with you?
I was having a conversation with someone the other day about my swimming routine. I normally swim for around 20 minutes every morning, today I treated myself to a 45 minute swim at lunch-time followed by a sweet gym core sesh. Lush ;) Anyway, yeah, so. Conversing. This person told me that they don't bother to swim because they're never sure what to take with them, so it always ends up becoming a three-part-saga to go swimming.
Thinking on that I've decided to run a short series of blogs on my favourite things to take with me. Apparently it makes good reading to give your readers a solution to a the rumours go ;) So today, we're tackling the swimming pool (don't worry, tomorrow will be ALL POLE ;))
Anyway, my top 5 favourite (read: essential) things to take for a short trip to the pool
- Swimming costume, towel & clothes for after. Don't laugh. It's not funny. And it hasn't happened recently, but it does happen...just hope you notice before you get changed/get out of the pool is all I have to say. I often wear my costume to the pool with a pair of shorts and a top over, but trying to leave with no underwear....I'm not into that jazz.
- Shampoo. An easy one to overlook - a couple of times recently I've forgotten to re-pack my shampoo into the bag I have been using for swims.
- £1 coin. Not sure if everywhere has the kind of lockers we do - but if you're unfamiliar with your changing rooms, take a pound coin and save yourself any potential hassle.
- Hairband. If you have short hair - good for you. I don't. I have really LONG hair that gets in my face, it gets caught in the crease my shoulder makes as I move my arm round for backstroke, it gets caught in the straps on my cossie....just tie it up peeps.
- And finally. My saviour. As I've said before, I'm FUSSY about the way my hair feels/smells/looks. I have long hair and I like it to be in good condition. I don't know how many products I've tried but as I swim regularly (and especially when I was swimming 1hour+ a day) my hair pays the price. The only product I've found that does the job I want it to is John Frieda's "Frizz-Ease" leave in conditioner. My hair doesn't tangle and it doesn't get that horrid straw feeling you can get after swimming (no,I'm not being paid to say this but hey, John, if you want to send me some free stuff I'm totally up for it ;)). If you have trouble with hair after swimming and have tried loads of things, give this a go. It's amazing! (and also helps me when I've been out all day hiking. Love the stuff). It's expensive but in my opinion totally worth it.
If you're a swimming newbie (or not....), I hope this helps.
My biggest tip for you is to PACK THE NIGHT BEFORE. Don't rush in the morning/when you get home from work - whenever it is. Get it done and ready for you to just snag the bag and go.
What are your favourite things to take with you swimmers? Do you agree with my list? Want to add anything? :)