It also happens to be Monday. Who else was utterly uninspired by this morning? It took me hours to wake up even with the blessed aid of coffee! I also made the mistake of having a protein shake for breakfast...I don't know about you, but I taste that shake for the rest of the day when I have one for breakfast. Mmmmm, strawberry and cream...
Anyway. Today marks the start of December!! Whoop!! I love Christmas, it's the time of year you get to meet up with friends you've not seen in ages, hang out with your family, fall out over the dinner proceedings but make up when you get to give someone a gift you know they'll love. It's time for sparkly lights, mince pies and pretty decorated trees!
Today also marks the renewal of monthly goals and at some point, a review of my yearly goals!!
Goal setting
I thought it was such a good idea. I didn't forsee November would be a manic month, not that that gives me any excuses, but it does explain things a little...!
From http://www.trailsandtribulations.co.uk/blog/pinch-punch-first-of-the-month-what-can-30-days-bring-you
"1. Lose 2Ibs in scale-weight by December 1st. From 154.2 - 152.2 (this is my scariest goal!).
2. Follow the PiYO workout calendar throughout the month.
3. Go to the gym, to lift (weights. Girl style. YEAH... RAWWWWRRRR) (full body) at least twice a week, for at least 30 minutes for the month of November.
4. Run 5k at least once every week (in my super shiny (well, actually not shiny at all since they go out all weather but hey...) new Brookes running shoes!!) for the month of November (so that should total 4 runs at least in November).
5. Ensure that I am eating at least 144g protein/day or protein totaling 30% of my daily calorie intake (which ever is higher)."
Looking back...
So, goal 1....well. When I got onto the scale on November 2nd (yeah forgot to take my pictures!) I saw this...
I stepped on the scale just now and saw 157.0 dead; however, I'll get back to you on that, as I generally prefer to take my weight in the morning and the photo above was definitely taken in the morning! *crosses fingers and hopes against hope that the scale fairy is kinder in the morning*
Goal 2: PiYo....yeaaaah. That sort of went down the pan with OFSTED.
Goal 3: Hell yea I did!! :D That may have contributed to the progress pics seen below...!
Goal 4: Mostly....*ahem* one week missed (the OFSTED week) but I'm ok with that. OFSTED came out good for our school, which was great news :D
Goal 5: 2 weeks of the 4 were successful at 30% protein! Can I blame OFSTED again for the other two weeks? Naw, accountability. I sucked, lol!
Fizzy is now at a 91 day streak without (yes, I still get pangs when I hear a can opening, but interestingly last night the sound of someone drinking fizzy actually repulsed me...!) and Yoga is an 117 day streak! I also gained my pole level 1 grade, whoop!!
So what are my goals for this month?
I'm going to reroll the 5 given above. I like them and I didn't actually achieve 2.5 of them, so it's time to knuckle down and run with it!!
Celebrating success!
So what did November bring me?!
We had yoga poses that I'd been trying to get into for ages, craft orders, experimental food, pole dancing, protein drink reviews (scheduled for tomorrow!) and the piloting of my blogger planning kit...
All in all, it's been a busy, full month with lots of highs and a few lows. Time for the next month!! What can I get up to in December?!