Smoke Me A Kipper, I'll Be Back For Breakfast...

How could I have left you all for so long and what was I doing? I know, I'm terrible *grins*. I've been doing lots of things, but mostly just surviving this pandemic. Like many people, my livelihood was hit pretty hard by COVID and well, the rest is to be seen in my poor, battered old bank account.
Anyway, with all the time I've been away I've been learning what not to do.
At 32 I was disgnosed with ADHD and everything started to make more sense. It's taken me three years to make my way back to DiaryOfaPoleAddict, lots of mistakes,lots of failed and missed workouts, missing motivation and gain (and loss) of weight but finally I'm ready to come back with a purpose.
From here on in, you can expect the following from your resident pole addict:
- ADHD friendly techniques for maintaining a workout habit
- Self-Care and Self-Love based information posts
- Self parenting posts aimed at helping you grow psychologically
- Workouts (with pictures, instructions and equipment lists)
- Articles for the neurodiverse brain, such as: "How to Stick to a Routine when you're working with Executive Dysfunction", or "What the "Unsaid" Rules of Gyms/Pole classes are" etc
- Merch that'll help you organise yourself & work out more often!