What a great gift!
But being ill isn't ALL bad. I mean, for one I got to stay in bed as long as I wanted today. And I got away with it after making my eyes really big and some whimpering sounds....
Aside from the enforced confinement and an EXTREMELY bland diet (I snuck some cake last night after thinking I felt better. It was a BAD move. I'm now on diet lock-down).
Anyway, since I'm feeling a little bit sorry for myself I thought I'd look at the things that are really great at the moment whilst I'm not feeling 100% well.
Don't worry - I'm not talking about the serious, mushy stuff that is beyond precious. I'm talking creature comforts ;)
So here are my FIVE things I'm grateful for today:
One: Marmite. I'm going to be honest - I can't really eat much at the moment. Well. It's not so much the eating but the, erm, hanging on to the food. Marmite is currently one of the things that is going down really well - no pun intended (and staying down). Plus, salts since I'm trying to drink as much plain water as possible - good stuff!
Two: Box-series. To be more specific: Bones. I'm well into that TV series at the moment. We ran out of Arrow episodes a couple of weeks ago, and after an appropriately long mourning period we moved on. So, Bones. It's a little on the gross side for me, but the characters are great and it's easy to pick up an episode whenever you like given it's got that "solved in one episode" type format (and David Boreanaz. Yum. I had the biggest crush on him when I was 15 or 16 and he was "Angel" the vamp xD).
Three: Yoga. Running isn't a great idea. Pole is probably not a great idea - although I managed some practice yesterday (better not to ask about that). So long as you go reaaaaally slowly and don't squeeze anything too hard Yoga is a beautiful idea. I'm at the point where my muscles are really tight from being used less than usual - given I've tried staying as still as possible for two days. Yoga is slow, it's loving, it's gentle....it stretches you out and calms you down. I <3 yoga.... (I might get a T-shirt with that on you know).
Four: Computer games. WoW (World of Warcraft) for me in particular. Something to do when you're not feeling great that will at a low level take your mind off of the nasties in your tummy, it doesn't commit you to anything (unless of course you want it to) and you get to hang out with your pals without passing the bug on. What better medium is there?
Five: My kindle. I was always a hardcore book fan. I didn't want a Kindle, I couldn't imagine going without "real" books and I thought the intrusion of the e-readers was a step too far. But when you're hanging out in the bathroom a lot, an e-reader is pretty handy. It's light, easy to hold and you have a choice of books! I'm currently reading through "The Book of Life" by Deborah Harkness (awesome fantasy/history/romance Trilogy - check her out :) ).
Now that I've managed to sit here for about 30 minutes I'm off - but I like thinking of things that are great in life. We're surrounded by so much that makes life happier/simpler/more beautiful - So what are the five things you're grateful for at the moment?
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