It made me realise how far my blog had drifted from its original content!
Let me update you properly, because there hasn't been a pole blog in a while.
In a pole blog, three years ago, I explained how I'd hurt my trap muscle doing the "rocket man" move (you can find the link here :) ). It was a short, extremely painful, "popping" sensation. I didn't rest it enough, and I went back to poling and the gym shortly after.
For the next year, I battled with a sore shoulder until eventually I stopped poling in October/November 2015 with a permanently inflamed rotator cuff (LISTEN TO YOUR BODY PEEPS).
You might have noticed several rather "salty" posts about being injured, and I've been injured on and off since then. I guess I haven't posted much about it, because I've been so ashamed of how far behind I've fallen since being injured, but in the past year or so, my pole sessions have looked like this:
The first time I turned myself upside down and tried to remove a hand was like I was at the top of the Eiffel tower and being asked to hold on with just my legs, it gave me a flashback to those fear induced squeals that could only be heard by dogs and children.
I remembered suddenly, how it felt to feel like I "couldn't" do it. I've heard that so many times - "but I don't have any upper body strength", "I'm not strong enough to do it" ...
Of course you're not! It takes time and practise! A LOT of practise. This body, that had been capable of climbing up the pole, turning itself upside down and holding on with a leg and a hand couldn't even climb the pole properly any more.
It's not a different body. I'm the same person, but my practise and STRENGTH levels have changed - when you don't do something for a long time, it's a natural consequence.
What I'm trying to say, in a roundabout and clumsy way is that you'll never be strong enough if you don't actually do it.
So, to anyone putting off pole lessons because they "don't have enough upper body strength", just go and actually try to build some. Not many of us just "have" the level of strength required!
Oh, and post pictures when you do try it, we love to see them :D
For all of my pictures and random posts follow me on Instagram @squidgeypaws, or Facebook on @diaryofapoleaddict