I'm not talking cookie genocide. I mean, I love cookies. I just can't be with them anymore. It's not them, it's me.
I'll come clean.
Even with my 2Ib loss over the summer (up down water weight style) I weigh in at 156Ibs.
There, it wasn't so hard to say.
156Ibs. During my *bulk* I managed to go up to 160Ibs - that was in June. So it's really time to get working on that now. I HAVE abs, they're just under a layer of fluffy, soft 'bad'ness :P
Whilst I'm here, bearing the bulk of my soul (geddit?) I'll also make a confession.
I had pizza last night. It was good. Now pizza has lovely macros, that are fairly well balanced. Yes, I'm sure the anti-carb crowd are crying right now, wondering what the hell I'm on about, but I'm not one of you. I just aim to balance my macros (carbs/protein and fat).
Anyway, that's not my confession. My confession comes about 3 hours later when I'm sat, in front of my PC, having played computer games all evening, sweaty, with my stomach hanging out over my shorts and I'm chowing down on my 5th Oreo cookie. Of the hour.
As I put that tiny disc of crack-sugar to my lips I suddenly realise that I'm just not working for what I want anymore. It's time to make a decision. I can have this. All of this *glory* and be the weight I am. Or I can actually knuckle down and get the bod I've been working towards for years.
No brainer. Pass me the cookies.
I mean.... :p
Jokes. So plan "cookie eradication" is now in effect. I've even hidden the cookies.....
Don't worry, I don't need to really hide the cookies....I have willpower of steel. It's to make up for not having abs of steel.
Stage one of Cookie Eradication plan is now underway.....and it started like this...
Yum, actually.
Although the bananas were a bit ripe. I don't know about you guys, but I do not like ripe bananas *gag* the texture...the taste....
Anyway. One of my Facebook friends was asking about September's goals. I really like that idea. Widdle little goals to work towards to break down one that is massive. I have 25Ibs to lose people and it's not going to happen overnight!
So, I got to thinking. What are my goals this month?
September's goals
Two: Reach pre-bulk weight. That's 4Ibs in a month. This has been something I have been ostensibly working on for a while now, yet not putting the required commitment in. It's funny how you sometimes delude yourself into thinking you're doing something. Well. That's over as I've said above. The Cookie Eradication Programme is underway! You don't get what you want unless you work for it, so time for me to put the work in! This is my scariest goal - I've been plateaued for so long I'd kind of given up hope (you know, when you start thinking your body must have hit its "set point" and you won't lose anymore....yeah yeah) and so I've not lost anything. Vicious cycle.
Three: Sort out workout routine. The tummy bug, plus finishing Trailwalker, plus being a lazy ass has knocked my workout routine to the sky and back. No more need for 30 mile training hikes has left a huge hole in my schedule. Of course, a huge hole like that could be taken up with more pole dance practice.....oh, don't tempt me. Okay, maybe you should. Go ahead, tempt me :p
Four: No more fizzy. Fizzy is not good for my teeth or my weight. And it's all calories that could be used on dark chocolate. Which is actually very good for you - and not only because I'm much nicer with chocolate. I didn't drink fizzy for about 6 months and then one day I just ordered one and drank it. End of that. So, lets get a streak going!
Five: Continue to do the 20 minutes of yoga a day. I'm on 27 days. That's not too shabby right xD I want to be able to hold crane for 40 seconds and get into a crab!
So, 5 goals, 30 days. Totally doable!
What are your goals for this month?