I #sweatpink
Saturday started in much the same way saturday always starts.....with the neighbour downstairs speaking to whoever it is they do in the arctic storm... ;)
Today sees the team covering our 387th km on our shorter part of the 50k we'll be covering this weekend!
387 km....it blows my mind that we've covered that much distance! When I was speaking about the team and how fit everyone seemed last week it didn't occur to me that is because we've dragged the team for a full 240 miles. Wow.
So, following the 5-things I love thread this week:
The 5 things I'd say improve your fitness quickly?
For me and for my team (I'm going to put it out there that they agree xD) these are the most important things:
- Consistent training - get out there. Get out there consistently.
- HIIT training - amazing for fitness. We've been using hill sprints to help our cardio health and it works an absolute treat.
- Correct footwear - you cannot do ANYthing, in the wrong shoes. Just like that Marylin Monroe Quote... "give a girl the right shoes and she'll conquer the world" it's true - you HAVE to have supportive shoes, with ENOUGH room to swell into - about a thumbs width from your toe to the end of the shoe. If you want a cautionary story check out what happened to Tash on one walk...10 reasons you should listen to me.
- Enough rest - don't over train. Give your body time to actually repair itself. I usually have two days of rest a week. Often if I'm feeling particularly restless I'll have an "active" rest day - something light, a gentle stroll, some gentle yoga or stretching. Nothing that will put too much strain on your body. And SLEEP enough. Numerous studies show that not getting enough sleep is frequently linked with being overweight (view my health articles for more info!)
- And finally. Eat enough. You won't get ANYWHERE without the right food. Food is fuel. Don't starve yourself, but don't eat a load of crap either. You all know I'm an IIFYM kind of gal, but that doesn't mean eat a load of crap to make your calories up - it just means to eat what you want along with a nice balanced diet. Moderation :) (We have a Diet and Training Section for that)
Another 40 km to cover tomorrow starting nice and early at 6am! Eeep. In 2 weeks time we'll have been walking for around 15 hours now. I'm so excited!! I'll get photos for y'all tomorrow!! :)
Anyway, today I wanted to talk about my #sweatpink ambassador-ness (it's a word now. I say so :p).
I've said it a few times now, WHOOP I'm a #sweatpink ambassador, but what does that actually mean?
Well. About 6 weeks ago, I came across the FitApproach Website, having seen the badge at the top on the side of someones blog. Interested, I clicked on it and found a whole community dedicated to supporting fitness bloggers. Awesome.
So what made me apply? Well, their mission rocked my socks. I agree. I think it's just as important to FEEL good whilst you do good, so here is their mission statement:
"We believe that kicking ass is best done in pretty shoes. We’ve learned that real women sweat, and sweat hard. We know that assertiveness, strength, and ambition are the ultimate feminine qualities. We concede that sometimes it takes hours to get ready, but we’re also no strangers to just rolling out of bed and going. We’re convinced that we run faster in pink shoelaces. We believe in pushing ourselves, and we believe in giving ourselves a break, too. We’re all about the rush of endorphins and the thrill of the challenge. We’re all for looking great and feeling even better. We’re committed to finding our best fit, and making it stick.
We sweat pink."
- See more at: http://www.fitapproach.com/sweat-pink/#sthash.rmNAAYSN.dpuf
So after a tense 6 weeks of nervously checking my emails, eventually I got the email through....I'm a SPA sister and I'm here to #sweatpink all over you guys :D
Check out their website and the events they've got going on. I've even ordered some pink shoelaces so that we can #sweatpink all over the Trailwalker event xD
Going to make tonight a short one - not only are my two fave teams facing off in the world-cup (I was gutted Netherlands came out against Argentina!) I also have to put my #swag together for tomorrow's walk :)
One last thing - I'd love to know what you guys think - do you agree with my top 5 things for fitness? What would you add/take away?
So anyway, sleep well, train well and keep clicking friends!!