Audience participation required!!
Want to decide what kind of ritual humiliation you can put us through?
Read on! :)
After making a carefully planned (ha) routine to improve overall fitness and endurance of all team members, we decided to add a competitive element to our regime....
We have CHALLENGED each other.
So, this is how it works:
- each week a challenge is set, if we accept the challenge we have two options:
complete the challenege or forfeit. - If the individiual forfeits they have to complete a task set to them that is some form
of ritual humiliation (we're so nice to each other). - If the challenge is completed the team members can either choose to renew the challenge (that is, do another week of the same challenge) or they can drop the challenge and take up a new one.
- For every ADDITIONAL week that we complete a set challenge we will donate £1 to our charity!
There have so far been NO forfeits.
Week 1: No fizzy drinks for the duration of the challenge.
Week 2: Complete (at least) 10 minutes of running every day of the challenge.
The combatants
Michelle Week 1: accepted Week 1: complete Week 2: accepted | Tash Week 1: accepted Week 1: renewed Week 2: accepted | Amber Week 1: accepted Week 1: complete Week 2: accepted | Kirsti Week 1: accepted Week 1: renewed Week 2: rejected |
Want to take part?
You'll also get mentioned in the blog (of course!!).
Want to think of the forfeits we do? For suitable forfeits submitted (and approved) we will film ourselves doing them and put them on the website. Please though, nothing that will endanger health or anything that is outrageously inappropriate!
We will also consider any challenges put our way (we generally try to keep them health oriented! The more devilish the better!! :D)
Comment in the comment boxes or send me a mail if you'd like to take part!! :)