W2D2 c25k....the dangers continue!
16 minutes later I rather triumphantly left the flat and continued on my merry way to work thinking all the while...
Silly me.
Anyway, my day went on in its little pattern until the time came when I had to leave the house and actually get my mass moving.
Naturally I procrastinated as long as possible, but having got "the look" from both the cat and my dear SO I decided it was time to take myself running.
Don't ever underestimate Karma's power in payback....One moment the sun was out and it looked lovely. Stepping out into the car park was as refreshing as having a shower. No, really. The skies opened and a deluge of water came forth, soaking me within seconds of leaving the flat and THAT is what I got for being so cocky earlier.
What an auspicious beginning...The rain lasted about a minute before stopping, like some celestial joke - "ha, yeah, gotcha!". That made us even surely.....silly girl.
Today I decided to run along to W2D2 - 90 seconds running, 60 seconds walking. Lovely. Nice and easy right? Within the first five minutes I had followed someone with such an apparently aggressive stance that they thought I was going to rugby tackle them into the ground and steal their stuff.....I was just trying to get my heart rate up with the initial walk!
Leaving an alarmed person behind, I tackled DEATH hill just as one of my ex-students came out onto the road.....uhoh. Got to keep going now. Head down, nothing to see here...RUN! I'm sure you've heard of an app called "Zombies...run" (totally recommend it btw). Well, they may as well make a new cross-reality app called "Students...run!". Yeah, they could tell you a horrifying story about encountering a group of your students as you're looking especially puffed out and ready to keel over, just to keep you moving. It would work...! Look out! There's Joe from year 8. Keep going! Uhoh, Mandy from year 9 has seen you, pick up the pace....!
Well, anyway, I wasn't ready to admit defeat short of actually keeling over, so I ran through the first two 90-60-90 split until I'd left that student behind. Amazing what the right sort of motivation can do.
I survived the rest of the 20 minutes with no major incidences....aside from the deer leg, slipping into a muddy puddle and tripping over a small child. When the track finished I thought I'd push it and do a mile lap of the lake...About 4 minutes in I was at the lake (passing the place I OVERTOOK SOMEONE the other day) when I felt like my heart was going to claw its way out of my chest, jump up out of my throat and beat me. I'm sure I had turned that peculiar shade of purple that makes you look like a fermented aubergine when I passed some girl scouts. As I was running along I passed a little girl who looked up at me, and I swear she mouthed "keep running". Now that had to be the highlight of my day. Rejuvenated I made the rest of the lap, telling myself that even if I look like a rampant aubergine I can at least make the mile. The 100mph day-glo girl scores again!
Completing the mile in just under 11 minutes, I decided that being so far from home I may as well put the c25k track back on and do another session on my way home. It was when I rather fragrantly swore to the woman who told me to "start running" that I knew it was a lost cause. Conceeding that I had indeed overtaken some people (yes, they may have been walking but it was STILL VALID and no, they weren't dead thank you).
Time for a nice, wet, walk home.
What did I learn today? I learned that even aubergines have feelings. Nah, just kidding. Well, they might, I wouldn't know, but.....um. I learned that sometimes it's great to push yourself, because you learn that you're not going to break apart.
Moral of the story: even a smile can keep someone going who might just otherwise have given up. So give them out freely people - it doesn't hurt and although it *might* make you look a little manic a nice smile can make someones day :)