it all started before the swimming pool
I knew today would be one of those sorts of days. You know the days where you just have to sort of raise your eyebrow and grimace. It all started with a line of red catching my eye. Upon further inspection I realised that the line of red was a telephone number, and the paper was one of my students essays. Ah, living with a partner is so fulfilling. Luckily my student was happy to accept Jane's number as part of his feedback....
So, at 7am I found myself submerging into a freaking cold swimming pool. I had only one question at that point..."why on earth don't they warm this thing up!?". You see I'd already done the whole "what am I DOING?" in the car on the way to the pool and I gotten past that.
I'd valiantly entered the swimming pool changing rooms, donned my swim suit and daringly plodded through the showers (which I might add is full of children at that time), before waddling into the swimming pool and reaching the ultimate question of the day.
Why DON'T they warm those things up?
Swimming every morning has had me questioning some of the fundamentals of my life. One of them is my job. The trouble with being a school teacher has several layers to it. But at the moment I'm in the midst of a very real issue with being a teacher. The students RECOGNISE you. They recognise you in the shops. They recognise you at the pub and they definitely recognise you in your cossie at the pool. *blush* ["hey, hey" *pokes his friend* "Isn't that your teacher? That's Ms. Reynolds!" #ohlandpleaseopenupandeatme]
Anyway, having scared the local populace sufficiently for the morning I took to completing a slow and rather leisurely length of the pool. It was in fact so leisurely that I got overtaken by the elderly lady that always swims the breaststroke in the lane nearest the edge of the pool. Ooops.
So, puffing along in the lane next to the edge of the pool and dodging the elderly lady and another chap who'd decided he needed that lane I swam for the next 20 minutes. Lap, after lap, after lap. I even tried backstroke. Check it.
20 minutes later I emerged triumphant - I had overtaken the elderly lady AND some other people. You're probably thinking at this point "dear lord, this woman is obsessed with overtaking people". And you're right. I am. I hide it well, but I am a hideously competitive person, and the best competition is ALWAYS the competition that doesn't know you're coming - it's easier to win that way....(yeah, I think I must have missed something too, but you know the logic is sound).
[Upon telling my dearest SO about my victory at the pool his first question was "were they floating face down? Because I'm not sure you can count that as an overtake". Pigdog.]
Breathing like a normal person (but holding the wall so I don't fall into the pool on account of not having my glasses on), I paraded triumphantly back into the changing rooms to commence my day.
My daily routine complete, I happily sent myself off home, ate a lovely liquid breakfast (ha, yeah I wish) and went on my way.
I've been weight training for about a year now, adding in cardio when I need the boost, religiously 5 days a week and about a year ago I discovered the world of protein shakes.
This morning I had a protein shake that didn't make me want to puke. Yay. I always use for my protein requirements, and don't get me wrong, they have a lot to answer for (queue the memory of the devil-poo-juice flavoured shake) but they got this one right. Sweet, but not nauseatingly so, and nice and chocolately. Now, you'd think such a shake would make a good hot chocolate. Oh, you'd be very wrong.
Am I going to review it? Goodness, that would be useful information.....what on earth are you trying to turn this blog into?!
(It's good. slightly too sweet but it works for me - impact native whey 95, chocolate flavour. I usually mix it with water as otherwise it's a little sickly. 45g protein/100g works for me!)
Aaaanyway, back to the c25k tomorrow afternoon, for today it's time to listen to my neighbour's awful taste in music. I mean, she's listening to Shaggy for goodness sake.
Today's moral: get soundproof windows.
What have I learnt? Well, I've learnt that I really just need to stop talking sometimes ;) *wave*