As I sit post-pole at my computer desk, trying desperately to think of something witty and poignant to say these Starburst are going INTO MY BELLY.
Starburst are my nemesis....
Just going to be a short one tonight folks, thought I'd stop in to say hi - how is everyone? ;)
I'm currently in the process of tapering. Now, tapering may have an official definition, but to me, tapering means climbing the walls and tapping things. The Starburst may or may not be helping in that regard!!
I couldn't help myself but go for a run this morning when Tom asked if I wanted to. Like a cat to a dripping tap, I was drawn in. I'm *trying* not to kick/hit/thump/smack/accidentally catch/drop something on/bend/crack/go over on/bruise my feet at the moment.
I cannot say I've been successful. When Simon asked me if I was going to pole tonight, I automatically answered "of course!". I got the look.
I *tried* really hard not to do anything to bruise my feet or legs but it's just not possible....and though I may not think this 70km in, totally worth it :P
Tomorrow I'll be doing some yoga and a little walk to school, but after that I'm facing a two days of nothing. Nothing. What am I going to do with myself? Doubtless you'll all find out :P
Anyway ladies and gents, just checking in. I thought I'd leave you with this though to brighten up your day since we're on a yoga theme ;)