We did it!
It took us 29 hours and 17 minutes, but we did it!
Amber and I crossed the finish line at 11:17am Sunday morning, having walked since 6am Saturday. We crossed the finish line as a two-woman crew of total awesomeness!
We lost two team members along the way - one who still is unable to walk on their injured foot and the other who ended up in the medical tent with a recommendation from the paramedics that she had to come out or risk serious illness.
Those two achieved 40km and 50km respectively and they walked on through pain, sickness with pure willpower pushing them on. It was admirable and we were glad of the company to the 50km checkpoint! Having spent 1 hour and 15 minutes at CP5 though, Amber and I were pushed to make back the time.
We did however finish the last leg in 2:26 - the first stage (from CP9-9.5) in 40 minutes - the 12 hour recommendation being 56 minutes! The second stage in 1:46 which was under the 24 hour recommendation (of 1:52). Amazing job Amber :)
I'm totally fried still to be honest so I'm going to leave it there. We're pleased as punch, if not a little sore ;)
If you haven't donated yet and do have some pennies to spare, please please do sponsor us - we're doing this all for Oxfam and the amazing Gurkhas - make our blisters worth it :)
Thank you to everyone who HAS donated: Lewis, Nicky, Pepe, Ian, Ron, Jean and a few anonymous donors! That's just on my part!! SO massive thanks for the support all :D
I'll leave you with this though - it felt amazing :D (the Gurkha's were SO amazing, friendly and supportive. What an event!!)