There's good evidence that dogs can recognise and perform basic calculations on numbers up to 5...
Don't believe me? Well, have a look at this, or this, or this, or even this!
So, I haven't completely lost it (no no, that begins next week when we'll start learning the alphabet) but I thought it was time that we started doing some training that will keep a certain furry someone occupied!
I prepared my flashcards, collected her favourite toys and got the treats out....
1. Winnie has the approximate attention span of a 3 year old duracell bunny on cocaine.
2. She *is* interested in counting her treats
3. Apparently "sit down and listen" doesn't work as well on dogs as it does on kids. And that only gets limited success in the first place!
4. Winnie can now sometimes recognise the difference between 1 and 2....
5. *THIS* is what my darling Furbutt thinks of my approach to teaching...