it was legs day today.
Evening all, I thought we'd go for a picture book format tonight! :)
But first, I need to say a few things!
- Thanks again to one of my year 13s for donating another 20p - Hi Colette :P You're now famous - officially!
- Thanks for all of the advert clicks, keep investigating peeps - it's all for fundraising!
- If you want to talk about sex roles and babies, check out today's health and fitness article ;)
- And finally, the whole team will be at Horsham Boot Sale tomorrow - check out the details on our events page (here) and come buy some stuff and contribute to our fundraising whilst getting cool stuff!! We'll have all of our arts and crafts on display - all hand made, excellent cheap gifts and free sweeties! was legs day :D Whoop.
When I got home I looked at Simon and said...
So I responded...