Welcome to November everyone! As you know, I don't always blog on a Saturday, but when I do I blog on a Saturday.... 0_o
So. New month! We have two months until Christmas, that's actually 54 days. It creeps up on you quickly doesn't it. The Christmas decorations are out and I'd stay well away from shopping areas for fear of getting Christmas music-ed to death ;) I'm no scrooge, but I think the decorations in November take away from all of the exciting stuff November has to offer. Those short days, long nights, opportunities to cuddle up with something (or someone) warm. Furry socks, hot water bottles. Fireworks! There's so much to look forward to before Christmas!
Anyway. I have to confess, I have spent the first of November here in the UK in my jogging bottoms (or sweat pants as my lovely American friends call them :D) and a football shirt. I have been disinclined to acquiesce to anyone's demands that I move. The sofa is my friend. We're good friends and we get along well. It accepts me for who I am and doesn't judge that I'm reading my way through the True-blood novels (yes, I liked Twilight too - I'm not ashamed....).
Anyay, whilst staring into space, listening to next door's child crying (when you live in a flat and someone close has a baby, you all get to have that new baby experience. Except you don't actually get a pink ball of child. Not sure whether that's the best part or not 0_o) I was thinking about my goals for November.
You see, I didn't really set myself goals for October. I had an idea that I'd follow and it was sort of ok. Stay away from things that I know will rot my teeth (and my brain....) like sweeties (or too many of them), don't drink fizzy and do yoga every day. Check. That was the extent of my planning for October. Somewhere along the way, I got lost. You see, in teaching, when we set ourselves goals they have to be SMART. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. My goals for October were not SMART. I'm not even sure they were smart....
Like a lot of people (I'm sure anyway), when I set vague goals, internally I'm happy to push those boundaries. My goals have to be very specific with criteria to fulfill, otherwise I'll wander off. It also happens when I'm talking. Look, a cat! Ooooh, isn't it a pretty cat. So cute. You know, my cat, Dave.....
See. My students know this and they utilise it. When I was at school, my RE teacher once referred to my concentration span as that of a "goldfish". It's still true. I happen to have the memory of an elephant though (and a few other things to boot. Sadly not a trunk. Oh, I'd love a trunk.....you could have so much fun with it) so either I'm a massive land based fish, or a tiny swimming elephant...
Anyway. Goals. Goals need to be concise and targeted. With specific criteria to fulfill. Otherwise, you'll wander off track somewhere. It's easy and you don't always notice in enough time!
So, my goals for November (see, stayed on track there, eh eh. It happens sometimes):
1. Lose 2Ibs in scale-weight by December 1st. From 154.2 - 152.2 (this is my scariest goal!). Specific? Check. Measurable? Check. Attainable? Eeeeek. Check. Realistic? Hahahahaha.Yeah. No but really. Check. Timed? Check.
2. Follow the PiYO workout calendar throughout the month. S = yep, M = yep, A = YEP, R = yep, T = yep! Smart? We'll see ;)
3. Go to the gym, to lift (weights. Girl style. YEAH... RAWWWWRRRR) (full body) at least twice a week, for at least 30 minutes for the month of November. S = yep, M = yep, A = yep, R = yep, T =yep.
4. Run 5k at least once every week (in my super shiny (well, actually not shiny at all since they go out all weather but hey...) new Brookes running shoes!!) for the month of November (so that should total 4 runs at least in November). SMART? yeeeeaaah!
5. Ensure that I am eating at least 144g protein/day or protein totaling 30% of my daily calorie intake (which ever is higher). I'm a carb fiend, and whilst I have nothing at ALL against carbs - in fact, I think they're extremely useful, they help manage my condition AND they're the body's easiest source of energy - I tend to overeat carbs (in terms of carbs used/carbs intake), which leads to a lot of fluid retention and glycogen/fat storage. This is probably my smartest goal xD I always blame being a vegetarian for my poor protein intake, but the fact is it's only a factor because I am a lazy eater (and I'm not trusted to cook in this household.....apparently my food never looks good. It tastes good though. FUNCTIONAL! lol).
They're my main goals - this month has a lot to offer, so of course I expect to maintain my yoga streak (87 days now, whooo!) and my non-fizzy streak (61 days now!) but they are sort of becoming just part of my lifestyle now (and I am enjoying the increased flexibility :D ).
I'm also aiming to work on my half-flag every lesson, gain my grading in Pole (level 1) and keep working on the core strength to do a shoulder mount - I'm hoping to at least get my feet curled up by the end of the month!
So, those are my goals - both big and small. I'm aiming to be in a more settled routine (still getting back to it after the summer holiday!!) by the end of November and running more regularly to maintain my cardio fitness.
What are your goals for November? What do you hope to achieve by the end of November?