So, let me bring you up to date.
Shoulder has been checked and I'm all on to go back to pole....oh yes.
Massive stomach bug made me completely rethink the way I eat.
I discovered I'm allergic to figs. Who the hell is allergic to figs. Seriously.
So where do we go now?
DoPA is two years old now. Can you believe that?
Anyway, for a while, it's been a bit of this and a bit of that. Considering it started out as a fundraising blog for the 100km hike, I think that's pretty good going, but it's time for DoPA to take a direction.
So what can you expect?
I'm planning on keeping the material that makes me me, and adding some things.
You'll get recipes - clean eating, gluten free, low carb, mostly vegetarian recipes.
You'll get tutorials on basic cooking skills, as I learn to do these things myself.
You'll get tutorials on what food groups mean, how they fuel you and what to do. I'll also be setting up a free diet-mentoring service, to keep you on track.
You'll get workouts - mostly aimed at building and keeping strength, and later on, tutorials on pole moves as I work through my instructor qualification.
You'll also get the odd update, mental health awareness post and hopefully some amusing anecdotes from these new journeys I'm embarking on.
So, for my exisiting readers - thank you for staying with me, I love you!
For my new readers - of whom I hope there are many, hi! You can find out a bit more about me here (if you're interested!), otherwise, welcome to DoPA and I hope I can teach you as much as I'm learning!!
Are there any articles you'd like to see?