Firstly and rather excitingly my Facebook page reached 500 likes! In fact, thanks to some of my awesome Facebook buddies it reached 500 likes and just kept going :D I'm now pushing for my first 1, 000 likes! If you've not swung by and given me some love, feel free to ;) I try and post something....um, inspirational....every day (yaha).
Diary of a Pole Addict on Facebook
Secondly, and rather excitingly: I've been working on a new line for my craft shop. Slogan t-shirts :D I'm super excited about them and have lots of slogans in the making but at the moment it's all about #liftlikeagirl. Because I do. And I'm damn proud of that!
And how have I been progressing with my body fat cut? I hear you ask.....here goes!
Lets see.....
Physically I'm feeling FIT. Fitter than I have in a long while. The HIIT that is incorporated into every workout is giving my heart a run for its money and to finish off with the low-intensity steady state cardio just helps with that bit of endurance. I'm not much for steady state cardio, but I'm enjoying it to let the sweat keep flowing after the heavy lifting and the heavy-going HIIT.
Yeah, the scales and I....we're not really.....
Saying that, whatever water weight I had on seems to have come off, so the scales are sitting at a handy 155.6Ibs - down from 157Ibs.
Still, as I've said many times - the scales don't *really* represent much and becoming too reliant on that scale weight....well it can drive ya crazy (believe me).
The bigger victory came this week when someone told me my "shoulders were looking more defined" and said they look like "swimmers shoulders". Not going to sniff at that :D He was a little taken aback when I replied "yeah, it's more likely the pole dancing" - but he recovered well :D (lol).
TOP SCALEY TIP: Keep a log of all of the lovely NSV's (non-scale victories) you have! e.g. those trousers you couldn't get into a month ago suddenly fit!
Ah food. So the cut I'm following has me moving down to 1545 calories this week. It's a MUCH lower number than I'd usually consider, but it's for a week and to move some of this stubborn fat....lets see how it goes!
The food thing drove me to experimentation....which ended up looking like this.....
A sweet recipe for you this week?
170g Greek Yoghurt
15g Honey
15g Peanut Butter
5g fudge
Mix it about and YUM. You're eating and suddenly you come across a reserve of PB, or fudge xD It even elicited a "oooh, what have you got? Is that ice-cream? Can I have some?" from DH ;)
30g Carbs
17g Fat
29g Protein
What are your favourite low calorie/carb recipes? Leave them in the comments below! :)