It's been a while, I know. There has been a lot of hard decisions to make in life recently, time seems to have just disappeared under my fingers!
So, I'm here. Hi!
Thinking about what I was going to blog today whilst looking out of the window at a gorgeous day here....
I realised it's June! (I know, it's hard to tell from the photo....). So it's time for some June goal setting (where HAS the year gone so far!!)
- Maintain 4 x weekly gym sessions, following the set pattern!
- Continue keeping logs of workouts. It's so amazing to look back and see progress, I've been trialling a new DoPA fitness planner....I'll show you soon ;) It's really helping keep track of not only my workouts but also keeping Tash on schedule....!
- Pole! This month is the month for getting my handspring....wish me luck :D
- Minimum of 3 x yoga per week. Got to get my flexibility back!!
- Oh, and to improve my weekly shop from this...Terry's chocolate orange for breakfast isn't really nutritional nirvana....