Five reasons I workout. Five reasons you want to keep going - sadly none of them are here!!
If you want to check out my type of #fitspo, click here!
These images might work for you, if that's the case then you're probably in the wrong place - I believe in working out honest, in eating well and going beast mode with good form.
The photos have been taken from around the web and have public/domain creative commons licenses. In the interests of remaining honest the weblink leading to the author of the work can be found in the caption on the photo :)
1. Doing it for someone else....
I know what this is trying to say, but if you're only trying to match someone elses standards when do you know when you've reached your goal? Yes, getting compliments are nice but if that's the only thing that makes you happy you may want to review what you're doing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is do it for yourself sisters (and brothers). Don't try and conform other people's expectations
2. The Thinspo set
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels? Really? Surely being healthy tastes just as good as skinny feels.
Want to have control? Want a PERFECT body? And a perfect soul? Yes, we all love Radiohead but this really does smack of obsessive eating/health behaviours. How does having a perfect soul correlate to having a perfect body? Is control something that makes you perfect? I think you need to be very careful with this sort of wording, because underneath it you have an undercurrent of "eating "bad" food" makes you imperfect.
The concept of "bad" foods make me cringe (maybe) even more than these photos. I don't think it fosters a healthy relationship if you start saying "this is a good food" or "this is a bad food". Rather they need to be choices independent of how you feel about them and taking into account the nutritional value of each item.
You're already in pain? You're already hurt? Goodness what on earth are you doing? YES working out is hard. YES you should push yourself to work hard. YES it burns. If you're in pain though you're probably doing something wrong. Don't substitute good form just to feel like you're working harder, it's a quick way to get long-term injuries.
3. The *must* be tongue-in-cheek
I'll often joke when someone says "omg, all you talk about is X (insert sport here. Usually pole)" that "yeah yeah, you just can't recognise dedication". Maybe that is the case. Maybe I'm a bit crazy. Maybe it's a bit of both.
I think you need to be VERY careful when using the word "obsessive" in conjunction with exercise. There are some very serious disorders associated with fitness, health and food and they can make people very ill.
This just really reads like someone trying to justify something that could be a very serious illness. Obsessed is a word that people use to describe someone they're slightly worried about.
Dedicated is a word people use to describe someone who has the balance right but they love what they're doing and work hard for it. Know the difference.
4. Really....?
Is this all women aspire to? To be a "fit soccer mom".
Really? Is that all we are? Aspiring mothers?
How about "Reason: So my joints don't give in when I'm 40."
Jus' sayin'. I don't think I have any more words for this one.
5. Conform to this ideal
You need those fries? Sometimes.
You need that burger? With extra relish, cheese, salad and the bun. Yes, please.
Trust yourself - yes of course!
When I look like that? What if I don't WANT to look like that? What if I want muscles? What if I want to be ripped? What if I want to be a sumo wrestler? Who states what healthy looks like. Why should we conform to one ideal?
This one is again doing it for someone else. You're doing it to look like society wants you to. Not because you want to be happy, healthy and fit.
This doesn't ACTUALLY state what you're trying to do either. Are you trying to motivate yourself to eat *bad* things? (actually if you think about the fat and the protein in the burger and the carbs in the chips it sounds good to me!).
Think about your goals. Decide what YOU want to achieve. It's not for someone else to decide, you're the only person who can change you.