Still, it was warm (ish) and sunny today and with my half day off it seemed bearable. After a fire drill and several cups of tea my work day ended and I was FREE. What did I do?
I procrastinated on Facebook forEVER. Overnight I got 100+ likes on so of course I had to make a pretty picture to say THANKS!
It's always catch 22, I LOVE going to the gym but since I was so sleepy and wanted to sit and do NOTHING moving to get TO the gym didn't appeal. I even took some "look, not gym clothes selfies. Oh I'm SO COMFORTABLE".
I'm sore from yesterday and I'm sore from the day before but I managed to get out of the gym before my buddy Kate, who is a PT at my gym saw me. The last time I saw her she'd been walking off saying something like "oh don't worry, you won't be able to laugh tomorrow once I'm done". Ominous. That's all I have to say. When a PT says something like that, you got to make a QUICK exit ;) so I snuck out.
Of course when you've worked out you're PUMPED UP AND GOOD TO GO. So what did I do? I tidied away all of our DVDs and books (because they take up space we don't have and we never use them). Then I found a blind I'd been asking Simon to mount for actually over a YEAR now, and thought, you know what. I'll do the bloody blind. So I did.
Simon came home to me sat in my knickers trying to cut the cloth to the right size. He was a little bemused, but you know, skin washes better than clothing...
And we have a perfectly almost even blind in the living room now - my neighbours no longer have to watch me pretending to dance round a pole (oh don't look like that, you do it too) or walking around in my pants trying to find my clothes (I'm not a clothes-tidy sort of person. They tend to be almost anywhere in the house. Especially if Dave has commandeered the clothing for whatever nefarious purposes he has).
One of my favourite quotes talks about "if you're having a hard time going out for a run, then just start by putting your shoes on. Then go to the door. Then walk for a bit. Then run" and sometimes, breaking it down to such simple terms is really the best remedy.
How is your #Mondaymotivation? Just in case, I'll pop this picture in - I always find this picture and things like it help me get up and get going!