Getting to the bathroom I tripped over my own feet, I managed to unroll my yoga mat into my face, I did my whole yoga practice with my shorts on backwards (I sort of wondered about the wedgie) and I trailed the cat's wet, slimy, gnawed upon balloon Wilma through the living room whilst trying to do a sort of sideways dance, kicking my feet out and shaking my legs to try and get it off.
Yep. Monday was here (and just FYI, that balloon is GRIM).
I got through the day. Sort of. I complained at the kids that it was their fault it was Monday. I got so excited about talking about brains that my lesson ran into the next lesson, which of course made me late. I lost my keys - which had my extremely valuable USB stick on.
I even forgot my lunch.
I could have starved to death RIGHT. THERE.
By 4pm, I sort of felt like this....
I even added someone to my high-five list....
When I thought about writing a #mondaymotivation blog, I groaned inwardly. How am I supposed to encourage people to go out and work towards their dreams when I don't even feel like walking to the kitchen to feed myself?
And then I remembered a quote. When I first saw it many months ago, I thought "yeah, looks good but a bit cliché.....right?"
Right, so I feel deflated. Ok. Well, that happens but the most important thing you can do in ANY one day is to motivate and encourage someone else. Why?
Whether you motivate them to go for a run, or to finish that housework, to say something nice to someone else - even if you encourage them so that they feel happier, it's all balancing out the negativity of feeling purposeless.
So ok, maybe I felt like an asthmatic walrus this morning in my yoga practice, but what did I do today that I feel achieved some greater purpose?
I made my classes smile. Maybe they went out and smiled at someone else. Maybe that smile is still being passed around the world.
I encouraged my students and told them they could do anything they put their mind to. Maybe one of them will take me up on that.
I praised someone on their weight loss - even though THEY felt it was no achievement. I offered to help a colleague and I gave a friend some advice on social media.
I got up and I did it. Even though I didn't feel like doing it.
You know what though? Even though initially I didn't feel it myself, I wrote this blog - maybe people will look at it and think "well, sucks to be you today". Maybe I'll catch that one person though, who thinks "actually, you know - I DID do something good today".
So, are YOU my one person? What good did YOU put into the world today my friends?
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