#sweatpink - it makes you powerful xD

Really hot.
I'm currently sat here at my computer, writing this blog, dressed in black. What on earth was I thinking when I got dressed this morning?
Lets not go there :P
So yesterday, I had some amazing news. It's been the kind of thing that has been weighing on my mind for about 3 weeks now but the news came and with it came a relief so powerful I almost cried. I don't like crying. But I do like getting good news, so please feel free to give me more XD
Anyway, when I got home, I found that the good news came at a price. Suddenly, I seemed incapable of feeding myself. Haha, yeah I know I'm not a great cook, but this was more.
It started with the raspberries. Every. Single. Raspberry was moudly.
Ok, I could deal with that. No problem, change of tact.
Lets make a smoothie. Could I find the seal for the blender? Could I hell.
But I really wanted a smoothie, so I enlisted Simon to search for it. 2 seconds in, he had it.
Fix the blender up and oooops, the yoghurt is out of date. Nevermind, lets go with milk. 2 scoops of protein, some agave nectar, some berries, a banana and some protein crunchies followed it in.
At this point, I'd spilled, knocked over or otherwise made a mess of everything I touched. Simon was in stitches.
"let me blend that, you appear to be blender cursed tonight" he says. The flick is switched (by Simon) aaaaand.....
Promptly, the kitchen is covered in blended smoothie. I hadn't fixed the seal in right, I'd blended it >.<
Great. Might be able to salvage some though, put it in the protein shaker.....lift the blender up and a tidal wave of smoothie comes out of the bottom, all over my feet, Simon's feet and the cat (who had come over to investigate what the fuss was about).
Two hours later I go to make a protein shake, shake it a bit in the mixer, put the mixer down to put our blinds down, pick it back up, give it a shake and get covered in protein goo.
I think the universe REALLY wanted me to have a shower yesterday ;)
So anyway, where were we.....oh yes, today is a pole blog!! On account of my super-cool Liebster award I missed telling you ALL about pole yesterday ;)
Pole. Ah pole.
Pole this Tuesday was AWESOME.
I managed the hip-hold, which had otherwise evaded me for three weeks and broke the Genie curse, slotting myself in comfortably to a Genie on my first attempt :D I'll get some pictures tonight because it's DOUBLE POLE WEEK.....whoooo!!
I've been working on the Rockstar spin variation - otherwise known as "the spin with no name". I can get my foot level with my hips. At that point everyone is screaming "PUT YOUR FOOT THROUGH NOW!".
But I will, oh don't you worry, I'm going to be bending every which way until I get this spin done xD
Now on top of leaving school and one of the kids calling me a 6th former, I found out on Tuesday that one of my pole friends is 19. She thought I was her age. Everyone keeps saying "well that's great, you look young". Yeah. But I'm not...I....feel old. Really old ;)
In this spirit, I'll leave you with this for now.... if I don't laugh, I'll cry :P