I don't have much else to say today - it's been a VERY long term and I. AM. POOPED! I've been sort of AWOL - I hope you've all been ok? This term has been very busy, with some ups and some downs. Some amazing things and some "oh crap what have I got into" things, but it's done with now. Now I can sleep, rest and get ready to do it all again ;) I'll update you more on everything soon, but I'm ready to sit and watch some TV....So, this is going to be a short post but you know what?
So, what made me feel good this Friday?
Well....you might remember this....
Tonight, to celebrate my 80th day of the yoga streak I committed myself to I finally held Crow Pose (Kakasana) for 45 seconds!! Whoooo :D
On top of that today I got to see my little sister, have a very nice coffee and do some great yoga! I even managed to run my 5k in 35 minutes :D
All in all it's been a great end to an extremely long term!
What made you feel good this Friday?
Happy Weekend friends!! :D