Living with a FitBit....

Now, you'll be glad to know that I put my big girl face on and went to charge the watch, much like I would have charged anything else that needed charging. I even LIVED without my Surge for an entire hour.....(ikr!). Don't judge me. If you don't have a FitBit you CAN'T UNDERSTAND and if you do have one then you must be telling porkies!
Everyone I've spoken to seems to go through the similar phases:
- New FitBit, wear it religiously.
- One unspoken day, FitBit gets forgotten for the first time. You feel betrayed. Like the moving wasn't worth it. It's not the same after that.
- A day or two later, FitBit is forgiven and you're back together. Happily observing the steps you take. Every step you take, every move you make, the FitBit is watching you....
The FitBit fever has well and truely taken me. I set a goal to get 10k steps every day at the start of the year (you can find that post here!).I've been an avid FitBit supporter for a long while. As a company I've always loved the way they treat their customers, which just made me even MORE in awe of them and I've progressed from owning a "one" to being the proud jiggler of a "Surge". During this time, I've caught myself doing rather odd things, so I decided to compile a list of the five ODDEST places I've found myself getting steps...
My Top 5
It was late, I was low on steps. I found myself jogging on the spot in the shower. I had originally wanted to paint a less desperate picture, one with music and accidental bobbing, but there was no music and nothing was accidental.
Still. I met my step goal....
2. Brushing my teeth
Given I don't really have the "best" co-ordination in the world, this was more of an experiment. I survived jabbing myself in the gums with my toothbrush, and swallowing what was probably too much toothpaste (so minty fresh....).
3. Cooking
When I say cooking, I think anyone who has ever browsed my blog will know that's a very fancy word for what I do with food, but makingslopthatlookslikedogpukeandthenusingthemicrowavetomakeitbetter is really too long a word to keep in common usage.....
Anyway, I KNOW I'm not alone on this one...!
4. Waiting at the car
This one is slightly more likely to draw a few glances....but you know, you're waiting, you could be getting steps.....amiright!?
5. In a lift
When I'm forced to take a lift, this is what happens. It's usually less irritating for any company I have with me to just take the stairs. Or ride the lift alone. Jus' sayin' ;)
Tell me I'm not alone, where do you like to get your extra steps from during the day?