- Don't greet your dog for "kisses" if you've just eaten beef jerky. Not unless you want to initiate a creepily intimate relationship with them...
- If you join a new fitness class and ask someone "is this hard" they will lie. I guess saying "you'd probably be happy to drown in a puddle of stale sweat from that huge dude who hasn't washed in three weeks approximately 2.34 minutes into this class" would be a bit of a downer.
- Chocolate soy milk is an addictive substance...
I've had a blast of a week, but given that there was a, uh, transitory period where my sleeping patterns had to change.... slightly *clears throat awkwardly* I decided, in my full wisdom, to dial back on the powerlifting for the week. I'm not into the whole "lets raise your cortisol levels and put loads of fat on" scene.
We have the honour of having a great trainer who is resident at the gym, Walter. Or "Drill Coach", as we have come to fondly name him now. He gets results, he knows his stuff, he even speaks English. Fantastic!!
Like most of my questionable decisions, this all started with "what's the worst that can happen?!". What was the worst that could happen...?
We eagerly sign up to try out a couple of his evening classes. His booked to the rafters classes.
The first night we walk in to be confronted with a soft, stretchy, balance board. Right. 40 minutes of choreographed torture ensue. It was AMAZING. Even my knees were sweating as we left.
Alright! I turned up early for tonight's class expecting the balance boards of torturous goodness and instead found a step. And some weights.
What's the worst that can happen?
Apparently even your eyebrows can sweat ;)
It all started ominously enough, it didn't disappoint. Squats, lunges, crunches, leg lifts, overhead presses, curls, presses....ohoh. It had it all.
So much for a restful week eh...!
What did you learn this week? Did your fitness plans take an unexpected turn?