Even rabid guinea pigs couldn't have saved me....
A HUGE thanks to Pepe Erskine who has donated £10 to our fundraising! It's an amazing contribution and we're extremely grateful for the support!
The Google Ad-Sense is working well, we're getting lots of free revenue - so thank you all for keeping investigating those links people. Remember it's free fundraising for both you AND us.

No, really... :p
Brenda (well, actually, Brenda's identical twin, Barbara) is £1.99 and available from here, here on eBay or on my Etsy store.
Alan, Jeff and Judy are also getting ready to be listed! Check in at the shop for updates!

Judy here is all ready to go and is currently listed on eBay and on Etsy. Cheap, cute little gift for someone. C'mon, throw a girl a bone here ;)
Well, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I went back to ask Sophie for a challenge. This time she asked me whether I wanted a hard challenge or a slightly easier one. With some trepidation I told her that a moderately hard challenge would be suitable for me....silly girl that I am. I KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!!
So with that now all too familiar gleam in her eye Sophie told me to give her 10 minutes and she'd think of something for me.
This is what she came up with. Sophie dubbed it the "HIIT pyramid". I prefer to call it Satan's morning workout. The one before he's even brushed his teeth.
No, honestly. I swallowed some of my own hair and started gagging. I'm just TOO sexy... >.<
Sp basically the HIIT pyramid consisted of burpees (you all know how much I love them), push-ups, side lunges and jumping lunges. It started with 10 of each, then 9, then 8 and so on.
The first round I realised I had at least another 9 rounds to go and wanted to DIE right then. Being trampled by a herd of rabid guinea pigs would be less painful than what was waiting for me.
Round 8 I was willing the rabid guinea pigs to take Sophie on....(awww, as if I would....).
Round 7 and Sophie took pity on me and told me that we only had to go to the 5th round. That made me call the guinea pigs off.
To be fair to Sophie's reputation she constantly encouraged me throughout and even told me that I was "going strong". Thanks for that - I know that I looked like a sweaty lump with a dead limb but it made me feel better :D Sophie is a complete beast, she is definitely great at her job!! She pushed me to my limit and made me want to keep going. She even didn't want me throwing up my water, what else would you want in a personal trainer? xD
It was hard. I'm not kidding. I mean, when I started I knew it would be but I thought I'd be up for the challenge. Then the muscles started burning. The sweat started coming (I told you I was a sweater...). By round 7 though my body had gone numb. At least it saved me from the burning. Made the burpees hard though, given my toes kept getting caught on the floor!
So, sweating, swearing and panting like some sort of deranged cheerleader (but without the pom poms. Dammit. They're surely the best bit? Oooooh, cheerleading....that could be fun. Does anyone know when you get the pom poms?) I finished the set of the HIIT pyramid at the 5th round and thought my lungs might just burst.
Apparently it's going to "keep on burning". Ha. I think everything in my body is going to keep on burning.....my calves were tight from ballet yesterday and my butt muscle (from those handstands) was already tight, by the time I finished my stomach, lungs, face, hands, knees.....everything was burning. And even my KNEES were sweating man. I mean cmon.
So, I'm going to take my sweaty knees and have a bath.
What have I learnt today?
Don't eat hair.
Moral of the story?
Don't ask Sophie for challenges.... :p ok, fine, ask Sophie but be VERY careful what you ask for ;)