- You'll get bulky....bags up the stairs/into the house much faster. I mean, who wants to get that boring chore out of the way quicker?!
- You'll have to stop at every metal detector because your abs of steel will keep setting them off.
- Your bones will become denser and stronger, avoiding thinning bones into your older age. Who needs increased mobility into later life?
- You might embarrass the men in the weights section by going beastmode on their asses. They may never recover.
- Your clothes will fit better and your strappy tops and summer dresses will fit your shoulders more securely, which will mean you won't have to keep pulling the straps up. This will lead to a loss of that "untidy, helpless maiden" look and it might also lead to a decrease in the amount of clothes shopping you'll have to do. We all need a reason for clothes shopping right.
- You'll have to eat more. That will increase the food bills and your options of what to eat. You'll spend hours in indecision. Avoid the choice.
- If something around the house breaks or moves out of alignment you'll be able to fix it. Less free time! You also won't need help to bring the shopping in, or open jars, or change a tyre. Your significant other may find they have too much time on their hands now.
- You'll gain confidence because your body will be changing into something strong, beautiful and sexy. Who doesn't want to walk around being self-conscious?
- You'll be able to support your own body weight on your arms. Suddenly a whole new set of options for exercise will open up - pull ups, lat-pull downs, pole dancing, push ups, swimming faster, running faster...
- You'll have less injury time for the cardio you do. I mean, what else gets you out of cardio as faithfully as injury?!
Who in the world wants their BMR raised by the muscle in your body, to be able to fix your own crap, recover from endurance cardio faster, gain confidence, have stronger bones and eat more!? ;)