Prunes. Do we have any prunes fans here? I remember when I was a young girl my grandad would make me drink prune juice. Apparently it kept me "regular". I always thought that was a funny way to put it, but it works
So, prunes. How many of you have a similar association with prunes and/or prune juice?
Well, again, this article makes a lot of...
strong flavour (which I find helps with the feelings of satiety) and they're
full of fibre. Fibrous foods are well known to fill you up. Has this study been
repeated on similar fibrous fruits? A cursory search of google would suggest
that no, we don't have any data to compare this study to. Or, certainly not any
well circulated data for a comparison.
How do we know that it's just prunes that have this effect? Were there other trial
groups with similar fruits to experiment with? The study doesn't
Additionally, the study says that the
control group were only "given advice on healthy snacks". So we can assume that
the pruned-up group were told to eat (only?) prunes as healthy snacks whilst the
other group were given free reign to eat whatever snacks they deemed healthy?
Surely then, at this point we have all sorts of experiementer and participant
effects creeping in to the study: perception of healthiness, the Hawthorn effect
in the prune group, control of extraneous variables for the prune group.
At this point I feel that I can conclude that
eating a prescribed healthy diet is probably going to aid your weight loss. In
addition to this, they're probably right, prunes probably DO help you lose
weight. I mean, they're so strong tasting you're not going to want to eat
anything else atferward anyway.
Without casting the
net of judgement, personally, I feel that the moral of the story here is going
to be something along the lines of "eat fibrous, low sugar fruits to supplement
your diet rather than choosing supposedly 'healthy' options that are maybe less
than naturally produced".
I was about to type
that it's "just common sense" but actually, and here I've been as guilty as
anyone else; how many people actually think to supplement their diet with fruit
rather than "low fat popcorn" or "low calorie crisps" *may* be common
sense and it could even be labelled as *obvious* but I think with more articles
like this coming out it will help people make healthier choices that benefit
them in the long term. As a supporter of IIFYM I'm all for articles like these.
I don't think it's particularly misleading so long as you apply your media brain
to the report and I personally think that fruit is a good source of a lot of
nice things. Including something sweet :)
Stock up people, fruit is back in fashion ;)