TL;DR - The NHS spends 10% of its budget on diabetes. NICE is suggesting we operate on overweight people to lower this cost.
I don't know how you feel about this. To be quite honest, it makes me sort of cross.
Knee-jerk reaction maybe...
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The articles on this page are shrouded in my own opinion of them. Whilst trying to be fair I'm also trying to workout what it is the article is actually saying.
Comments here are always welcome! So far we've covered the role of porn in the brain, female fertility, red meat, housework and whether mens faces are made for smacking.
If you like this but need a giggle check out my blog for a dose of fitness humour and the occasional existential crisis!
Friday 11th July - Weight Loss Ops for Diabetics. A Good Idea or a Lack of Accountability?11/7/2014 ![]() "More weight loss operations for diabetes" via BBC news TL;DR - The NHS spends 10% of its budget on diabetes. NICE is suggesting we operate on overweight people to lower this cost. I don't know how you feel about this. To be quite honest, it makes me sort of cross. Knee-jerk reaction maybe...
![]() "Human Gut Cells Coaxed Into Producing Insulin" via IFL science Wow. Reading the original article from Nature Communications.....wow. TL;DR - scientists have worked out which gene to switch on/off to make normal gut cells produce insulin. So, a bit of info: insulin is usually produced from the pancreatic cells and it regluates the metabolism of carbohydrates (sugars) and fats. ![]() One in three adults in England 'on cusp' of diabetes via BBC news TL;DR we have increasing amounts of people at the higher end of the glucose tolerance range - not realising it but almost at the point of being type two diabetic. I chose this article today because it holds a lot of personal significance to me. |
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