Would you rather be in your own world? Or would you do anything to avoid it?
TL;DR - people would rather give themselves an electric shock than just sit still and do nothing.
This lab study shows that people would..
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The articles on this page are shrouded in my own opinion of them. Whilst trying to be fair I'm also trying to workout what it is the article is actually saying.
Comments here are always welcome! So far we've covered the role of porn in the brain, female fertility, red meat, housework and whether mens faces are made for smacking.
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![]() "Idle minds succumb to temptation of electric shocks" via New Scientist Would you rather be in your own world? Or would you do anything to avoid it? TL;DR - people would rather give themselves an electric shock than just sit still and do nothing. This lab study shows that people would..
![]() "What's eating Luis Suarez: the psychology of biting" via New Scientist Sorry all, but I had to. The World Cup is pervasive enough, but as a psychologist this is just downright fascinating. I have to admit, I'm not a huge football fan. I'll watch it if it's on and being a teacher it's usually good to keep relatively up to date so you can keep up with the students, the theatrics are always good to watch but I wouldn't replace another activity with football, nor do I actively seek games. That being said... ![]() "Sunbathing may have similar effects to drug addiction" via New Scientist This article has appeared in a few places: Sun tanning 'addictive' suggests study via NHS news Sunbathing 'may be addictive' warning via BBC news Addicitive. That's a loaded word isn't it. What IS addiction? I saw a blog the other day talking about alcoholism and dismissing the claims of people that they're "addicted" to sweets... ![]() "Researchers Find Association Between Porn Viewing And Less Grey Matter In The Brain" via IFLscience I thought I'd continue on the man-funny line here ;) So, TL;DR porn makes you dumb. Excellent. Don't worry, it hasn't escaped my notice that the article was written by a woman. Nor does it escape my notice that I too am a woman amused by this. Porn is... ![]() "Male faces 'buttressed against punches' by evolution" via BBC news Well. Not sure what I can say here that won't get me into trouble. |
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