Do the zombie shuffle with know what i mean!

I went shopping to Tesco earlier and as we were leaving the store something dropped out of one of the bags.
I went to pick it up and had to do the whole wide feet, bum out bend at the hips thing to retrieve the item whilst groaning like an old lady about "oooh, me legs dear." After a few failed attempts at retrieving the item I managed to hook it up on my foot and deliver it back to the bag after quite a bit more maneuvering.
At this point it was quite busy and I managed to get quite a queue behind me trying to leave the store. Can't say it was my proudest moment. I need a shirt saying "I'm not 90, I just squatted like a boss yesterday". That'll learn the skinny blonde behind me for trying to push past me and almost overbalancing me. Goodness, if I'd gone down the whole entrance to the store would have had to be cordoned off and the cranes bought in to get me back up whilst observers look on lamenting about the way whales are treated these days....
You know, I can't enter Tesco these days without being drawn to their Race for Life display. It's got so many pretty pink I indulged in a new pair of hot pink hotpants. Simon took one look at them and declared that "they're not the right material for pole (are they?)". I don't know what he thinks we do at pole....dragging myself up the pole by my groin isn't generally one of the moves I practice. Jus' sayin'.
I generally make sure to do a Race for Life but this year it was decided within the team that we would rather dedicate our fundraising to Oxfam than try and split our efforts. It's lamentable - I feel strongly about the work Cancer Research does and would love to fundraise for them by running the 5k here at Crawley. I will have to dedicate my efforts to their fundraising once the Trailwalker is done. Maybe a 10k in the autumn.
Anyway, 10% of the money made by each item goes to Cancer Research, so I got a pretty pink star top too (I might add, 100% of everything we raise here goes to Oxfam).
Fundraising Updates
Speaking of what we raise here - our Google Ad-Sense has £3 towards our fundraising ready to go! Thank you to everyone who is checking out the ads round here, remember they're all through Google and we get a % of every click you make - so don't be afraid to check them out!!
Today we have had a custom order for one of our owl bookmarks!! She has to be pink, pink and bronze - will keep you updated on that one xD With a couple of bracelets and a voluntary donation that's a further £4 into our fundraising pot!
Tasha and Amber were at the Shoreham Flyover Bootsale today - they raised £50 for Oxfam today which is awesome news, our totals are creeping up :D
And again, massive thanks to our WoW friend and golden man Lewis for his £40 donation to our cause!!
New stuff round the website?
You may notice we update the content round here daily - check out our #fitspo if you need motivation or our funny meme pages if you need a laugh!
We also have our stock all up, so if you want to know more about our customisable owls visit our current stock page or our Etsy shop! :)
So, onto tonight's main event......
The challenge
last weeks challenge was felt, by all team members that it was too vague to really make anything of. Being a sucker for new things, like an oversized fitness magpie I have discussed (slightly debated and also quelled a small mutiny) this week's challenge.
I love this challenge, every day I'm reminded that life is there to be taken and lived and this gives me the excuse to do it!!
Try at least three new things this week.
They should be new to you but you can try variants of things you have already done.
Tash has set herself her own challenge: To not eat from the Kebab shop she works for for one week.
The rules:
- It should be exercise based
- You have to complete it - if you don't, you need to try something else out
- It has to be NEW to you
- You need to take a photo or a video of yourself doing whatever it is!
- If you miss a day YOU FORFEIT
This week's forfeit: (as we had no one from last week forfeit!)
You will be asked to go into a busy town centre and whilst you're walking along, suddenly stop and start dancing. Remember, you need to video your forfeit too for it to count. *grin*
If you need a recap on how it works, check out my blog from 23rd May!
If you've been playing along and would like to renew a previous challenge remember for every ADDITIONAL week that we complete a set challenge we will donate £1 to our charity!
There have so far been NO forfeits.
Previous challenges:
Week 1: No fizzy drinks for the duration of the challenge.
Week 2: Complete (at least) 10 minutes of running every day of the challenge.
Week 3: Try at least one new thing every day.
Week 4: Say "yes" to anything you're offered to do for one week.
Remember: You can either renew a challenge or pick this weeks challenge up. Members of the challenge can choose to take the ultimate challenge and run challenges together....!
(For every renewed week we will donate £1 to our fundraising - for a maximum of 5 weeks per challenge).
I'll update you all on the combatants challenge standing tomorrow but for now I'm just going to leave you with this...